Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dexter Part 2

Okay. I had to start the season over (which was fine because it rocks) so my wife could join in. We finished the season last Friday. Notice the time between the posts, and keep in mind my line of work, and factor in the 3 kids, who obviously are not awake when this show is on. Yeah!

The only question now is: Can we wait until August 19th for season two to come out on DVD, or do we crowd around the laptop and watch it on itunes?

Season two of Heroes comes out on DVD August 26th!! Hooray!


Gym Eaton said...

What up Carter? Grant pointed me to your blog and I've been reading it for a while now. I thought I'd chime in and say wait for to watch it on your nice TV. Season 2 is even better than Season 1, so you don't want to watch it on a crappy screen! I can't wait for Season 3!! Next to LOST, this is my favorite show in a LONG time!!! Have fun!!

msdba said...

I am thrilled to see that you are so happy and have the life you always wanted. I have had a lot of loss in my life this year and it has me thinking about people who meant a lot to me. I would love to talk with you. I have been trying to avoid reaching out, but oh well, here I go. Your family seems beautiful. (Val)

Chris said...

hurray for DVD.