Monday, May 26, 2008

New Camera!

Happy Birthday to me. I finally purchased my new camera. I got a Nikon D60 and so far I think it is awesome. Here are a couple of samples from my first day with it.

It helped having such a great subject to photograph. Thanks to all you guys on the road for pushing the photography envelope.

BTW I used your gift card Farns.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I almost wet myself

This is our Lovely receptionist helping out at JackFM. I think she won a contest and they filmed this. FANTASTIC! Probably only to those who know her.

Watch this video from youtube

Seriously unreal.

How One Day Makes a Difference


I am installing new software on my old computer, to turn it into my flickery audio machine. A time consuming, and quite boring process. Install/uninstall. Out with the old, in with the new.

I saw this screen for a long time. It's all done now. YAY! I just wish it was yesterday...

Sunday, May 11, 2008



WOW! seriously. Wow.
I know thus is a little redundant since this news is posted on the crew blog, but a couple of weeks ago I swear his wife said no cutting the hair. I think she saw him as Samson...or maybe Rapunzel. I don't know. I just hope he survives this. Seriously, you look great bro.


I know where she gets it.
I just wish I could join her.


So, I remembered Dale talking about Twitter. So, I am trying it out. Not quite as cool as a blog entry, but it's a lot easier to say something short and quick. Although, I am positive no one will care what is happening there. Maybe I can use it as a thought before the blog. Unfortunately for you, I just figured this out. So, here is the blog before the thought.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Office Job

I have help at the office now.


is Jaime.
Hopefully he and his Helio Ocean will be able to lend a hand on occasion.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

For Greg. The crown was

For Greg. The crown was approx. 130 square feet. see an attached blog. I'm sure someone has a pic of the crown.